Somali-based Islamist terror group al-Shabab has issued a threat against Western shopping malls, including the West Edmonton Mall. Also mentioned the U.S. Mall of America and Oxford Street in London. Al-Shabab is the organization responsible for the mass killings at Kenya's Westgate shopping mall. U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security today on CNN warned shoppers "I would say that if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today, they've got to be particularly careful." Are you personally worried about terrorist attacks in Canada and is the federal government doing the right thing by increasing the responsibilities and options for CSIS?
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Somali-based Islamist terror group al-Shabab has issued a threat against Western shopping malls, including the West Edmonton Mall. Also mentioned the U.S. Mall of America and Oxford Street in London. Al-Shabab is the organization responsible for the mass killings at Kenya's Westgate shopping mall. U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security today on CNN warned shoppers "I would say that if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today, they've got to be particularly careful." Are you personally worried about terrorist attacks in Canada and is the federal government doing the right thing by increasing the responsibilities and options for CSIS?

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