Al Shabab terrorists commit mass murder at a Kenyan college and today threaten additional attacks warning Kenyan cities will run "red with blood." Terror organizations globally are becoming more aggressively vicious and there have been warnings of major attacks being planned for Western nations. While Canada's parliament found itself engaged in loud debate over this country's role with the international (U.S. led) coalition attacking ISIS, the question which has not been asked, or addressed by Western government leaders is, should (when) another massive terror attack of 9/11 proportion take place in a democratic Western nation, is the responsibility of Canada and all other Western nations to take whatever military, political and/or economic action in response, even if a nation-state is not directly taking responsibility for such a terror attack, whether the attack takes place on another country's soil or not?
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Al Shabab terrorists commit mass murder at a Kenyan college and today threaten additional attacks warning Kenyan cities will run "red with blood." Terror organizations globally are becoming more aggressively vicious and there have been warnings of major attacks being planned for Western nations. While Canada's parliament found itself engaged in loud debate over this country's role with the international (U.S. led) coalition attacking ISIS, the question which has not been asked, or addressed by Western government leaders is, should (when) another massive terror attack of 9/11 proportion take place in a democratic Western nation, is the responsibility of Canada and all other Western nations to take whatever military, political and/or economic action in response, even if a nation-state is not directly taking responsibility for such a terror attack, whether the attack takes place on another country's soil or not?

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