The violence in Ferguson, Missouri in the death of Michael Brown vs mostly non-violent protest in various U.S. cities in the death of Eric Garner of New York City, both at the hands of a white police officer, with neither officer indicted criminally by grand juries.

University of Pennsylvania associate professor of religion Anthea Butler wrote a column in which she claimed former Ferguson, MO, police officer Darren Wilson, when Wilson shot Michael Brown, acted as an agent to the 'god of white supremacy.' I will be discussing that article.

Is police behaviour (in Canada as well as the U.S.) responsible for public anger which can lead to violence? Do police treat whites differently to blacks and other minority communities? Have an experience?

Also, David Clarke is the Milwaukee County Sheriff. He is outspoken in his condemnation of rioting, outspoken in his view of how police should react, outspoken in his criticism of president Barack Obama who Sheriff Clarke accuses of practiving "divide and conquer" politics, outspoken in his condemnation of Rev Al Sharpton and sees worse situations than Ferguson, Missouri, in the future.

Guest: Sheriff David Clarke.

Tomorrow we will make the case that police, in some cases definitely, get a much better deal than the public, when police step across the line, including breaking the law.

Do you believe there exists a set of rules for police and a different set of rules for the public?

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The violence in Ferguson, Missouri in the death of Michael Brown vs mostly non-violent protest in various U.S. cities in the death of Eric Garner of New York City, both at the hands of a white police officer, with neither officer indicted criminally by grand juries.

University of Pennsylvania associate professor of religion Anthea Butler wrote a column in which she claimed former Ferguson, MO, police officer Darren Wilson, when Wilson shot Michael Brown, acted as an agent to the 'god of white supremacy.' I will be discussing that article.

Is police behaviour (in Canada as well as the U.S.) responsible for public anger which can lead to violence? Do police treat whites differently to blacks and other minority communities? Have an experience?

Also, David Clarke is the Milwaukee County Sheriff. He is outspoken in his condemnation of rioting, outspoken in his view of how police should react, outspoken in his criticism of president Barack Obama who Sheriff Clarke accuses of practiving "divide and conquer" politics, outspoken in his condemnation of Rev Al Sharpton and sees worse situations than Ferguson, Missouri, in the future.

Guest: Sheriff David Clarke.

Tomorrow we will make the case that police, in some cases definitely, get a much better deal than the public, when police step across the line, including breaking the law.

Do you believe there exists a set of rules for police and a different set of rules for the public?

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