Donald Trump is currently leading in polls for President of the United States among Republican candidates. On the America's foremost medical ethicist and media commentator, Dr. Arthur Caplan writes that the public should not write him off as a legitimate candidate. In a commentary Dr. Caplan wrote that "Donald Trump is a racist firmly in the repugnant tradition of Hitler."Do you agree with Cr. Caplan, is Donald Trump an Adolf Hitler-like racist? Or is he a breath of fresh air in the fetid atmosphere of conventional politics?
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Donald Trump is currently leading in polls for President of the United States among Republican candidates. On the America's foremost medical ethicist and media commentator, Dr. Arthur Caplan writes that the public should not write him off as a legitimate candidate. In a commentary Dr. Caplan wrote that "Donald Trump is a racist firmly in the repugnant tradition of Hitler."
Do you agree with Cr. Caplan, is Donald Trump an Adolf Hitler-like racist? Or is he a breath of fresh air in the fetid atmosphere of conventional politics?

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