Canadian Gord Bibby's cousin Robert Hall was beheaded by terror group Abu Sayyaf in Phillipines a year ago. Robert Hall's family accuses the Liberal federal government of indifference toward their murdered family member. Interim CPC leader Rona Ambrose sent a letter to Hall’s family, saying  the Conservative party doesn't support ransom payment either.

Guest: Gord Bibby(Photo: HO via Youtube/The Canadian Press)
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Canadian Gord Bibby's cousin Robert Hall was beheaded by terror group Abu Sayyaf in Phillipines a year ago.

Robert Hall's family accuses the Liberal federal government of indifference toward their murdered family member. Interim CPC leader Rona Ambrose sent a letter to Hall’s family, saying  the Conservative party doesn't support ransom payment either.

Guest: Gord Bibby

(Photo: HO via Youtube/The Canadian Press)

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