It's only 6 minutes of actual rowing, but it'll work you hard if you row it fast enough! 🚣2 minutes x 3 with 4 minute rests 🚣‍♀️

➔Pace Guide = 1K Rate and Pace (or average from W1S1)➔Effort = 10/10➔Speech = I don't even talk much in this one!!!

❗  The key to this row is to get the intensity up from the start. You don't want to fly and die, and burn out before the end - but you want to pace this row so you're putting everything into it. Then use the 4 minutes to recover for the next intercval. ❗

If you find this workout easy. Or if you don't think you need 4 minute's rest, you haven't rowed this session fast enough. 

This is a session similar to one I did a lot when I had Sam Blythe as my coach. In fact, this week's FMWOW (Workout of the Week) is 500m x 3 with 4 minutes rest. Which is pretty much how this one will work for a lot of people. So just a shout out to Sam - that if you're looking for an in person coach, not just a talking monkey like me, you should get in touch with him.

🚥Either use Ergzone to pre-program your Concept2 monitor (search for RowAlong, and under the RA icon, pick RA1K W1S5) or set 2 minute intervals with 4 minute rests, or just 14 minutes and RowAlong with me. 🚥

RowAlong to the YouTube Video here:



As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle. 

ℹℹℹℹℹℹ - 2K training paces are based on your current best performance to row 2000m. Set your monitor to 2000m and row it as fast as you can. When you're finished either look at the memory screen for that row, and note the Average /500m pace - or just divide your time by 4 to find that out. 

For instance - if you rowed your 2000m in 8:20 - the average pace for 500m is 2:05. It doesn't matter if you started at 1:50 and then slowed down to 2:20 by the end - your average across the whole row is 2:05. 

So when I give a pace guide saying "2K + 18 seconds" - that means that you take your 2K time, and add 18 seconds to it (in the above example, 2:05 + 18 = 2:23 pace.) Just be sure to set your monitor so it displays your /500m pace so you can stay on target.

Every time you think you're getting faster, rather than just arbitrarily changing the pace guide - do another 2000m test to find your current 2K average time - and then work from that.  ℹℹℹℹℹℹ

                                      🔵🔵🔵 SHOWING SUPPORT FOR ROWALONG 🔵🔵🔵

I've been asked a few times about the best way to support what I'm doing. Honestly, the best way is just to watch and subscribe using this link: views lead to more views - and I'm really just interested in getting more people on board to RowAlong with. (Make sure to click the notification bell to be alerted when I upload new workouts)

That said, I know that there are some people who want to show their support financially, and as much as I've shied away from giving out links to this before - I've been advised to at least provide the links - to stop someone spoofing me!! So....


But seriously - just keep watching, that's all I ask!! 






For more information about drag factor, the plans and what this is all about, head to For more about indoor rowing in general, go to







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