MID Tier Rowing Workout 60 Minutes at Varying Rate and Pace (see below) 

I've done this as a MID tier, but if you increase or decrease my suggested pace guide, it'll easily tip into TOP or BOTTOM if that's what you'd prefer.

❗ Make sure you're hydrated before starting this workout. It's 60 minutes of solid rowing. There are 'easy' intervals throughout where you could stop for a drink - but this workout is designed for you to get through in one go❗

Intead of making a 60 minute session a simple 6x10 or 10x6mins - I've mixed this one up to keep it interesting. The hour flew by for me:

8 minute Warmup (18spm 2K+20-24) 2 x 30 seconds at 24spm at 2K+12 with 30 second easy in between 4 minute Easy (18spm 2K+20-24) 5 x 30 seconds at 30spm at 2K pace with 30 second easy in between 4 minute Easy (18spm 2K+20-24) 10 minutes at 26spm at 2K+9 to 12 4 minute Easy (18spm 2K+20-24)5 x 30 seconds at 30spm at 2K pace with 30 second easy in between 4 minute Easy (18spm 2K+20-24) 10 minutes at 26spm at 2K+9 to 12 4 minute Cool Down(18spm 2K+20-24) I certainly needed to stay on the back end of the pace guide towards the end. The first 10 minutes at 26spm went well - but once the second set of 5 x 30 seconds at 2K pace hit, I couldn't hold the next 10 minute effort at the same pace. As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.

Remember, for more information about what I'm doing here, info about drag factor, and about the training plan, head to https://www.rowalong.com For more about indoor rowing in general, go to www.indoorrowinginfo.com See you in the next video.