24mins at 26spm - MID TIER WORKOUT

Pace Guide = 2K+10-12 Effort Guide = 7-8 (will end closer to 9.5-10/10) Speech = Not constant

❗This is a solid MID workout. Better described as plain old 'Hard'. If you don't stick to the pace guide, you'll slip into TOP tier for it. I don't know if it was just the heat, but I start this one at 2k+10 - and really suffered because of it and had to drop to -12. ❗

The point of this workout is that it will feel hard. +12 is 3 seconds slower than my PB pace, so there should be room in here to work hard, and not be destroyed. Much harder than a BOTTOM tier - but even with the heat, it still wasn't a full on TOP tier effort. This session is equivalent to the 'Hard Distance' workout in the Pete Plan - where you're advised to cover 5/6000m at a hard effort. You don't have to stick to my stroke rate, or to my pace guide - just make sure this workout is a HARD effort, and you don't back off.

🚥There's nothing tricky about programming your monitor this time round - just punch in 24 minutes, and start when I start 🚥

I row all of the intervals at the correct strokes per minute. The Concept2 rowing machine has a very obvious woosh to each stroke - so just follow along with me, keep an eye on the SPM display on your monitor too - and increase or decrease your speed as required. And I'll keep you company along the way with various ramblings. If you don't know your 2K pace - row a 2000m time trial and look at the average /500m on the screen at the end. That is your 2K pace. So if it says 2:05 as your average - your 18spm rate above will be 2:25 pace. www.RowAlong.com is the website behind all of this - all these podcasts originate as Videos on my RowAlong YouTube channel if you want to see me as well as hear me. And if you want to know more about Indoor Rowing in general, check out www.indoorrowinginfo.com

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