MID Tier Workout 8 x 5mins with 1 min rests at 24spm 

Pace Guide = 2K+12-13 Effort Guide out of 10 = Starts 6 ends 8 Speech = You'll be able to talk, but not constantly.

❗ This is a solid MID workout. If you don't stick to the pace guide, you'll slip into TOP tier for it. And as I discovered, if you do it in the heat, you get top quick too! ❗

The point of this workout is that it WON'T feel easy. But at the same time, it's not a TOP workout that will destroy you and leave you unable to continue at the end.

🚥If you want to programme your monitor as a 8 x 5 minute interval workout - remember to set the rest to UNDEFINED. This way, we'll both start and stop at the same time. There is a video on how to do this here: 🚥 https://youtu.be/2vGTy9mtaLA

As always, follow the sound of my rowing for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.

Remember, for more information about what I'm doing here, info about drag factor, and about the training plan, head to https://www.rowalong.com 

As these podcasts are the audio stripped out of the YouTube videos - there will be the odd occasion that I refer to something on screen, like a butterfly, or the t-shirt I'm wearing but very infrequently - and not seeing it won't detract from your experience.