Are you the organized type? The kind of person that likes to plan everything in advance? If so, then you're probably already thinking about your plans for the new year. But have you considered doing a little pre-planning first? Pre-planning can help set the stage for an even more successful year, and it's a process that anyone can do.

I don't know about you, but I love the feeling of fresh starts and new beginnings, and there's nothing quite like planning out your goals for the year ahead so I know how tempting it is to go out and get a new planner and dive right into setting business goals.

I also know that for many entrepreneurs, December/January can also be a time of stress and overwhelm. Suddenly, we're faced with all of the things we should have been doing over the past year, and it can be tough to know where to start when planning for the new year. 

Before you start planning your New Year, try implementing this pre-planning routine to help make things a little less overwhelming and get you in the right mindset to approach serious business planning.