Bob Lile , otherwise known as “Croc” owns and operates Lile Art Gallery along 6th Avenue in historic Amarillo, Texas.  He’s known for creating Cadilite jewelry using paint chips from the nearby Cadillac Ranch

Join host Anthony Arno as he talks with Croc about:

His earliest memory of Route 66 Singing in the church choir (and Croc sings a verse for our listeners!) Lifelong scouting role Early interest in painting Life as a car salesman at the family Ford dealership Opening an art gallery later in life Discovering “Cadillte” art made from Cadillac Ranch paint chips Origin of “Croc” nickname Importance of Route 66

Lile Art Gallery, Amarillo

Facebook: Lile Art Gallery

Article: Cadillac Ranch 

Thank you to Route 66 Podcast & Scholarship supporters, including


Mid Point Cafe, Adrian, TX – Featuring both their ugly crust pie and one of the most popular photo ops along Route 66, located exactly halfway between Chicago and Santa Monica in Adrian, Texas. Gilligan’s Route 66 Tours featuring tours of Route 66 in Ford Mustang convertibles, stays at historic Route 66 motels, and daily breakfast. Mary Beth Busutil – Florida Jim Crabtree – California Mike Fort  Route 66 author and photographer – Shellee Graham and also my guest on Episode # 10 where she talks about her book, Tales from the Coral Court Motel. Kristin Haakenson – Washington  Rich Havlik – Minnesota (Maureen Holt – Arizona) Mary Nicholson – Pennsylvania Brian Sawyer – Indiana

And from the United Kingdom

Charli Beeton

Please consider supporting both The Route 66 Podcast and Scholarship Program.  All supporters will receive an additional 15 minutes of conversation with Croc, where he talks about:

Additional childhood memories, WW II, and Route 66 Experience as a college student Learning art from the earliest masters and traveling around the world studying technique Early days of selling Route 66 ads for a pubnlication and the first art gallery Some of the most prized possessions at Lile Art gallery The most memorable tourist he ever led along Route 66 Other Amarillo attractions

Congratulations to this months Patreon winner, Brian Sawyer from Indiana, who has won a Route 66 wall calendar.  Congratulations Brian!  For next month, one lucky Patreon winner will win a copy of The Road Crews Songs from The Mother Road CD.  You can hear The Road Crew on Episode 14.