
On this week’s show we talk about our upcoming European trip and what you should consider when planning international travel, particularly if you plan to visit multiple countries. We also chat about some of the fun activities and sights that we plan to take in during our trip, including more rock love courtesy of Kim and the lovely structures of Stonehenge.

Travel Tips
1. Pick a destination: We polled our #travelsquad, but feel free to throw spaghetti at the wall (not for real though) and pick your top location randomly.

2. Create a budget: We can’t stress enough to stick to your budget unless you got money to blow. If that is the case, bring us something back, preferably something “designer” and in the shape of a purse!

3. Research airlines: You’ve probably heard us talk about low-cost or budget airlines, and Airbnb vs hotels. Take a look at all of these options when planning how you’re getting to Europe and where you’re going to lay your head.

4. Money, Money, Money - MonAAAY: Check the currency that is accepted in the countries that you are visiting, apparently everybody doesn’t take the Euro! Also keep an eye out on the exchange rate and consider bringing along a zero foreign transaction fee credit card or load up a passport card with Euro’s and other currency prior to your trip.

5. What type of experience you want to create: Whether it’s a cultural experience or a full tourist-y tour, compare prices for those activities. However, consider exploring the countries you are visiting with #noplan, you never know what hidden treasures you’ll find.

Our Carry-On suggestions focus on long-distance travel. To remain comfortable on your next long trip, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water in advance of your scheduled trip. Also bring along a pair of compression socks for circulation.

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