Ryan walked the very packed and amazing Artist Alley at this year's 5th Annual Rose City Comic Con and spoke with several creators about their work. Here are the 4 Interviews that were captured that day: Kyle Brahm (Spread, 5 Ghosts, HACK/SLASH), Iris Jay & Hye M (TABULA IDEM: A Queer Tarot Comic Anthology),Tony Parker (R.I.P.D. Series 2. This Damned Band,May Day) & Ibrahim Mustofa (Savage Things).
Check out the following links:
Kyle Strahm:
@KyleStrahm_art instagram, @kstrahm on Twitter, kylestrahm.com
Iris & Hye:
@explodinghye & @irisjcomics on Twitter
guttermouthing.com & tabulaidemanthology.com
Tony Parker:
tonyparkerart.com @tonyparkerart on social media
Ibrahim Mustafa:
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