Backstage at the Wonderground and Rosie and Aurora get down
to it, weirdo to weirdo. Topics covered include: Triple Threats; Being in an
Ensemble; Beginning Burlesque; Student Cushion; English Lit Geek Out; Burlesque
Book Club; Following your Dream; Getting a Residency; Big Fish, Small Pond;
Being Weird; Uncomfortable Realisations; Fresh Start Means More Freak; Get
Inspired; Fire Fire Fire; Producing; The Power of the Mouth; The Three Serpent

About Aurora:

Winner of 'Most Innovative' Performer 2014 at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in
Las Vegas,
Aurora Galore has been Voted one of the Top 20 UK Burlesque Performers via in 2014. She was also the Winner of Stockholm
Burlesque Festival's Tassel Twirling Competition in 2013 and the Winner of Miss
Paris Burlesque Festival in 2012. She is an exciting tattooed Fire and
Burlesque Performer whose influences stem from Lady GaGa, Haute Couture and a
wide range of dance styles. Her performances vary from dark, outlandish dance
acts to fire breathing finales and burlesque parodies. Aurora has a contemporary aesthetic, a modern
soundtrack, and energetic acts that are full of power and pizzazz.

Having performed on stages since the age of five, Aurora is a vivacious and
exuberant entertainer whose edgy stage presence allows for both controversy and appreciation. With a combination of dance, fire and a
crazy persona, Aurora
is able to be an ‘electrifying 

tour de force in aggressive sensuality, brimming with the confident exuberance’
of an artiste.Aurora arrived on the scene in 2010, and has evolved in aggression, power and art. The ‘petite powerhouse’ has a style ‘still rare in London’s vintage-dominated burlesque scene and remains a unique treat' to all that watch her. Her acts portray a modern take on burlesque and illustrates a
captivating sense of disruptive madness!

3 Serpent Circus:

Thanks for listening, performance fan! If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please either comment on the blog below or SEND ROSIE AN EMAIL!

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