Far left: Kim Roberts; Far Right: James Lee. Dead Centre: KATIE!

Taken at Cabaret Roulette's first birthday show by Rhinoa's Photography


This week Rosie has the absolute privilege of hanging out with some of the biggest fans and loveliest personalities on the London cabaret scene. They chat about: people who hate cabaret; future guests; what the scene is like; London's Lucha Libre; Benjamin Louche of the silver tongue; Your First Time; Burlesque herpes; never being alone; cabaret mafia; Benjamin Louche *again*; knowing your audience; being The Victim of a Show; when should you clap; what makes a good act; The Dark Arts; needles (sorry!); putting yourself into your act; what would make you want to see a show; friends tell friends about cabaret; sketchy mormons; extreme enthusiasm; life as a blur; cabaret flowers fix bad days.

James Lee:
London Cabaret Award nominee James Lee fell into the
world of cabaret by accident in 2012 and hasn’t been able to get back
out. He’s been a barely-competent doorman, a very amateur photographer
and even occasionally has dabbled in the art of boylesque. Mostly
though he can be seen in the audience of a show, along with a group of
people he has dragged along with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Somehow
this all resulted in him being nominated for a London Cabaret Award (Unsung Hero Category) in
2014. In what’s left of his spare time he likes to talk at people about
beer, and allegedly does something related to climate change on
weekdays. He was also nominated for a London Cabaret Award.

Kim Roberts:Kim is a creative soul and a lover of all things
shiny. She stumbled upon the wonderful world of cabaret seemingly by
accident by doing a favour to a friend. She has photographed some
wonderfully talented performers and made a great number of friends who are
now at the top of her imaginary Christmas card list! 3 years later,
blinded by sequins and glitter, Kim is unable to stay away from the
bright lights of vaudeville and loves to get into the spirit of things -
vodka, gin, rum etc.! Kim is currently an unemployed schmo so if you
want to take pity on her and offer her free tickets to your show in
exchange for whoops and cheers, she can be found on Facebook! (Kim also
thinks she is funny!)

is a baby podcast, and we'd like you to help us nourish it into a
strong, fully-fledged adult podcast. If you have suggestions, questions
or comments, please either comment on the blog below, or SEND ROSIE AN EMAIL!