Rosie sits down with Pi the Mime and his translator, Alexander Luttley, to talk about many mimey topics: Multiple Mimes; Not a Biochemist; Learning Multiple Mime Styles; No Hablo Espanol; The Only Discipline With No Words; Mimetic Proposals; Making a Show Quickly; All the Mimes; Multiple Mime Disorder; Mime Gender and Moving Around; Who Are You Sleeping With?; Labels Labels Labels; Expectations and Individuality; Powerful Labels or Restrictive Labels; Tribal, Social Animals Called Humans; Too Much Focus on Labels; Being Bad at Expected Behaviours; The Circle; All Lesbians Carry Lighters; The Gender-Bending, Burlesque Dancing Mime and the Catholic Priest; Accidental Gender Comments; Assumptions; Playing with Ideas and Cabaret Roulette (again!!); Arguing with Pi; Improv With Yourself; The Triangle; Kinsey, Scales and Volume Control; The Best Identity Crisis Ever; Cabaret is the Best; What Happened to Fun?; Exploration and Failure; Finger in the Pie; Performance Course with Pi; Carpeted Stages and Mime Murder; Audience Interaction Gets Cheeky.

About Pi the Mime:

 Pi the Mime steps
straight out of internationally trained performance artist Alexander
Luttley’s imagination and onto any stage that’ll have him. Combining
mime, clown, various forms of dance, circus and burlesque, Pi and the
mimes have burst onto the scene with a full length production and a
variety of sketches that have appeared all across the UK Cabaret and
Theatre scene. As they approach a year and a half they also embark on a
journey as ‘teachers’, combining Luttley’s wealth of training with what
has become the recognisable Pi the mime style. With a passion for
performance and an avid interest in fighting the restricitions of social
labels upon the individual, Luttley and Pi look forward to popping up
more often, and returning with Award Winning Production – Un Cas de
Nostalgie – at Mimetic Festival 2014 in The Vaults (from 20th – 28th
November 9:50pm).

Pi and the Mimes can be seen at events
including Cabaret Roulette, Luscious Cabaret, Whatnot Cabaret and Oh My
Cabaret; at venues including Madame Jojo’s, House of Wolf, Shoreditch
Town Hall, The Vaults and Roxy Bar and Screen; and alongside companies
including Finger in the Pie, Juliette’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus and RIFT.


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