In episode 26, Rosie spends a very long time talking about her holiday, Jessica’s been to the Kaffe Fassett exhibition and has been skulking around Netflix. The Day of Fun Film Review returns with frothy rom-com ‘Populaire’. Plus – and brace yourselves – knitting has returned to our lives! You can listen to it on … Continue reading Episode 26: Hollibobs and Sidesteps

In episode 26, Rosie spends a very long time talking about her holiday, Jessica’s been to the Kaffe Fassett exhibition and has been skulking around Netflix. The Day of Fun Film Review returns with frothy rom-com ‘Populaire’. Plus – and brace yourselves – knitting has returned to our lives!

You can listen to it on iTunes or online here:

This week’s songs:

Jessica went for Aretha Franklin‘s ‘Think‘, while Rosie picked ‘Superbass‘ by Nicki Minaj.

Jessica went to the Kaffe Fassett exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum.

Zooey Deschanel appears in Flakes and Janeane Garofalo goes on a road-trip with a dog in Girl’s Best Friend.

Cereal milk is a real thing, promise.

Up, up, Up the Women returns on BBC Two next year.

Fun House has quite an aggressively fun theme tune.

This week’s Top 5s – Hollibobs Special

Rosie dressed up in silly clothes at Exeter City Museum, Gloucester Cathedral and Gloucester Folk Museum.

You can visit but not dress up in Exeter Cathedral and House of the Tailor of Gloucester.

Cinema trips included Behind the Candelabra and Populaire.

The view at The Minack Theatre is stunning.

Rosie met the delightful @knitspincake of the eponymous podcast!

Needle and Fed

Rosie has cast on this Rico baby cardigan and visited lots of wool shops: Knit Wits in Penzance, Wool in Bath, Miju Gloucester and Ramshambles in York.

Do watch the opening number of the Tony Awards and 300 people recreating the Wuthering Heights video.

M’colleague Stitch on holiday in Bath.

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