Leroy Almeida is an experience designer at ING, the Philippines' first fully-digital bank. He previously worked at Kalibrr, where he designed the recruiter platform, and Accenture, where he worked with Philippine Airlines and Globe Telecoms. Largely self-taught, he transitioned from engineering to design by reading books, asking for feedback, and learning from the smart people of the Twitterverse. Leroy believes that design can improve people's lives, transform companies, and change the culture.

In this episode we talk about Leroy’s transition to design at Kalibrr, how to respond to critical feedback, curating your own Twitter learning circle, and so much more.

The Curious Learner

Leroy Almeida

Leroy Almeida is an experience designer at ING, the Philippines' first fully-digital bank. He previously worked at Kalibrr, where he designed the recruiter platform, and Accenture, where he worked with Philippine Airlines and Globe Telecoms. Largely self-taught, he transitioned from engineering to design by reading books, asking for feedback, and learning from the smart people of the Twitterverse. Leroy believes that design can improve people's lives, transform companies, and change the culture. 

In this episode we talk about Leroy’s transition to design at Kalibrr, how to respond to critical feedback, curating your own Twitter learning circle, and so much more. 


Leroy’s Social Media
Portfolio - https://leroyalmeida.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/LeroyAlmeida23
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/leroyalmeida/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/leroyalmeida23

Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster (Lean Series) - https://www.amazon.com/Lean-Analytics-Better-Startup-Faster/dp/1449335675/
Thinking in Systems: A Primer - https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Systems-Donella-H-Meadows-ebook/dp/B005VSRFEA
The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You - https://www.amazon.com/Model-Thinker-What-Need-Know/dp/0465094627
Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense - https://www.amazon.com/Alchemy-Surprising-Power-Ideas-Sense-ebook/dp/B01F1HOAWA

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