Emily Levenson is a therapist turned holistic health coach, podcaster, master meditator and seeker of everyday magic. She has a really compelling story to share about her own wellness journey and in this episode, Cat chats with her about the hurdles and the serendipitous moments in her life that helped discover a path to authentic joy.

In this episode you'll hear about:

Knowing when its time to take a pause, move on, or walk away from things that you love. Real-life application of alternative forms of healing like acupuncture, energy work, cellular expansion and meditation. Seeking moments of magic in everyday life and welcoming the mystery and miracle of daily life. Overcoming infertility through surrender and miracle-seeking. Healing from debilitating food sensitivities to feel joyful in one's own body.


This is a super honest episode that tells the story of one remarkable woman. Tune in to hear Emily Levenson's story of personal growth.


Episode References:

Dancing With Life by Phillip Moffit Meditation Oasis Podcast The 100 Day Project by Elle Luna Calm App Loving Kindness Meditation Make Miracles in Forty Days by Melody Beattie


Find Emily at:


Instagram and Twitter: @emilylevenson

And stay tuned for her podcast, Some Kind of Magic coming March of 2018!