"I'm very big on addressing the inside and dressing the outside. I think in today's society, everyone is so busy wanting to impress people with what they have and how they look...and then inside we're torn, we're broken, we're hurting...a lot of us are going through the same things...we put up these facades. I kind of like to try to break through the facade."

In 2007, Wardrobe Stylist & Costume Designer Stacey Jordan took a leap  of faith and left her full time job of 7 years as a Visual Stylist for H&M to start her own company Divine Styling International:  humility, humanity, fashion. Over the past 13 years Stacey has worked with companies such as Nike,  Ford, Disney, Nickelodeon, Emirates Airlines, Sotheby's International and more.

She's also worked on projects with some of todays greatest talents in film, tv and music.

OH, and she even styled Roots of the Spirit founder, Spirit Tawfiq and her husband on their wedding day!!!!!!!!!! FEROCIOUS stylez that will last a lifetime. 

When asked about her future plans, Stacey will tell you although she's been styling for the past two decades - stay tuned, she's only getting started!

Divine Styling: www.divinestyling.com

IMDb: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1943324/

Roots of the Spirit video version of interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcYkhpt8Zk4

Instagram: www.instagram.com/styledbystaceyjordan