This was a jam packed recording. No fluff.⁣

This episode altered the way I distribute my energy, how well I attend to myself, and literally changed the way I interact with my kids. After the chat, I applied my new thinking without even trying, and I immediately saw changes in the response from my child. ⁣

Sally Arnold is a Parenting rescue coach (and a rescue parent, herself). She brings it.⁣

Sally = insight galore. ⁣


She drops some serious {heart-wrenching} science and shares concepts we know with practical tools to take our love further with less effort, extend our “time” and our positive impact, so we can do parenting better AND stay whole. ⁣

Sally had me in tears with her clarity, story, compassion, wisdom and brain-popping knowledge for parents of kids all ages, who are “in it” today. ⁣

⁣Sally Arnold. Mindful Parenting Coach.

Title: Raising Secure Kids: Nourishing Confidence & Emotional Security in our Children without Parental Burnout. Care for Caregivers.🙏