Hello, friends. We have a somewhat sad announcement to make. This week will mark the final episode of the REDivas podcast. You may have noticed Mike, Ruby, and Errol haven’t been around the last year, as their lives have gotten busy. Although I have continued in the meantime and could continue the podcast alone, my own life has been getting busier and I felt it was time to finally retire it.

And so for one last episode, we’ve gotten the old gang back together and returned to our very chaotic origins! Errol trolls everyone, everyone clips their audio at least three times, we talk about a couple of of our favourite moments, what we are doing right now, and some of our plans for the future (I’m certainly not done with podcasts yet!)

Thank you so much to everyone who has listened, whether you have been with us since the beginning or are just joining now. Thanks to all of our guests through the years for providing insight and expertise to this ever growing industry. This podcast has lead to us meeting so many amazing people and do some amazing trips and projects. And of course thanks to Inverse Genius for hosting us, supporting us, and giving us some great tips along the way. Finally, I personally want to thank Mike, Ruby, and Errol for being such fantastic cohosts and friends (I tried to thank them in the podcast, but Errol’s trolling gets in the way).

We will absolutely still be active in the community. Don’t worry, we have no intention of giving up escape rooms and puzzles any time soon! Episodes will still be available for download. And who knows. We might do an awful escape or do a crazy trip and just feel the need to record our reactions. Until that happens, though, here are some links of where you can find everyone and some other podcasts definitely worth your time. See you around the community!

Twitter handle: mandawhitney
Blog: mandawhitney.com
Twitch: Manpans (Monday nights I stream mystery games)

Errol- He is everyone. Shout and he will likely pop up.

Twitter handle: MikeYuan82

Other Podcasts:
Reality Escape Pod: https://roomescapeartist.com/reality-escape-pod/
Escape This Podcast: https://www.escapethispodcast.com/
Infinite Escape Podcast: https://www.theinfiniteescaperoom.com/