Why are gyms a place to bare it all? Lauren talks about bulge outlines in workout shorts, a flash of junk in the gym, and other gym turn ons. Richard swears it should be illegal to do extremely stretchy stretches in spandex if working out with your mom.We go over sexy things women do that men can't, and vice versa.Certain compliments can be said to men from women, but if the roles are reversed, you could end up with a slap or restraining order!After another week at SINsation, we revisit cliques and the perspective on how to view them.Why is it that some people try so hard when meeting people? Find your center and approach the group. Be a level 5!Cliques aren't always what they seem to an outsider, we talk about some situations that may cause groups to form, but give reassurance they aren't the same as a clique!We discuss vulnerability and how to handle it! It may feel like high school where you don't have a table to sit for lunch, but good news, your partner is always right there with you!

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