As a new graduate, more times than not, you show up on the first day of work, and you are the youngest person in the office. No longer do you have the "intern glow" that both shields you from office politics and also gives you the green light to talk about college all the time. Here's the hard truth about post-college life: It's time to let go of college and stop talking about it at work.

In this episode, you'll hear do's and don't's about office etiquette as the new kid on the block (or in this case, cubicle) from host Lauren Lapid, who works in an old-school corporate environment, and Blau Ramos, who works in a younger agency environment. We want you to own being the youngest person in the room, not get judged for it. These are our hot takes, take it or leave it.

You can follow Blau on Instagram @blauramos, host Lauren @laurenlapid.jpeg, and the podcast @rookiesintherealworld.


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