HOT GIRL SUMMER. Is it even possible with the current COVID-19 outbreak? We're here to say YES it is, but do so safely. Roommates Blau and Lauren are reunited for the first time in three months since the outbreak hit New York City, and they are back and better than ever to give you their hot takes on how they've been dating during quarantine.

Spoiler alert: It's F*CK GIRL SUMMER TIME. Let's go trap some sh*tty men, folks.

To all the men listening, we also give some dating app do's and don'ts so listen up!




Connect with Blau
Instagram: @Blauramos | LinkedIn


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Connect with host Lauren Lapid
Instagram: @laurenlapid.jpeg | Linkedin: Lauren Catherine Lapid

We love to hear from you! Have any questions, comments, want to be a guest, or know somebody that would be a great guest on the show? Email us at [email protected].