Do you have concerns about the future of your team? Does your company utilize succession planning that seems ineffective? Or maybe you’re feeling to need for additional leaders in your team, but uncertain how to develop new leaders.

Succession planning is often neglected, maybe even ignored. In cases where succession planning exists, it seems to be ineffective.

The success of a team rises and falls on leadership, so the future of your team is dependent upon succession planning. You can set your team up for success in the future with effective planning.

Effective succession planning isn’t an event, meeting, or document to complete. You may have a meeting scheduled with your leadership to review succession plans, but don’t fall victim to the illusion that a meeting represents effective succession planning.

You have to view succession planning as a daily activity. In this podcast episode, I’ll share with you activities that will ensure the future success of your team.

Show Outline

“Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.” -Tom Peters

Maintain the mindset of creating more leaders

Should be a part of leadership job description

Avoid feeling threatened by the growth of others

“Do for some what you wish you could do for all.” -Andy Stanley

You may have too many team members to mentor them all
Define two layers of inner-circle

What to be looking for inner-circles

Self-starters, self-improvers
Team members already going the extra mile
Attitude over skill set or even performance
Humble, hungry, & smart

Mentor, Coach, & Delegate

Mentor to inner-circle
Coach and delegate to inner-inner-circle

Resources Mentioned:

The Leadership Calculator

The Leadership Accelerator