Do you have a team member that is underperforming, but you are afraid to give them a bad performance review?

Giving performance reviews, especially for poor performance, are typically the first scary act for a new leader.

But you can deliver a performance review that addresses poor performance and yet remain a leader that your teammate loves and wants to follow.

Forget the compliment sandwich and other similar gimmicks. Deliver a performance review with confidence that properly addresses the poor performance.

Hello Friend. This is the Rookie Leaders podcast. It’s the podcast offering leadership lessons to newbies.

My name is Michael Tanner, and with 30 years of leadership experience, it is my mission is to help YOU become the leader everyone loves and wants to follow. So YOU can positively impact business results and the lives of those you lead.

Before we start talking about performance reviews, let me quickly make you aware of our Leadership Calculator. You are listening to this podcast because you want to improve your leadership. To improve your leadership, you must first measure it. Our free calculator provides you with an objective leadership score and details for improving your leadership based on your result. 

I’ll share more about our Leadership Calculator at the end of the show, but for now let’s talk about delivering performance reviews.

Show Outline:

Abandon the ANNUAL performance review

Even if it’s the HR policy
Utilize regular 1-1 meetings
Too awkward to talk about things that happened 6 months ago

Establish selfless motive

Build relationships
Find out why poor performance

Address performance, not person

You are trying to change the performance, not the person
Can eliminate defensiveness
Have documented evidence

Be their coach

Game plan
Do this also for good performance reviews

If you need to deliver a poor performance review or you want to be prepared to do so, then start with our Leadership Calculator so you can understand how to establish those all-important relationships and pure motives we talked about earlier! All you have to do is head over to

Until I speak with you again next time, remember that I love you because that is what leaders do, and want you to be blessed & lead well.


Resources Mentioned:

The Leadership Calculator

The Leadership Accelerator