Next Episode: 085 - Taking A Stand

I suddenly found myself in the position of boss over a team member that just yesterday was my boss.

The leadership journey for many goes through the tricky transition of team member to team leader. My journey is no different. I left the office one day as a team member and returned to the office the next day as the team leader. To make matters more complicated, the guy that was my boss yesterday is now on the team that I lead - so now I’m his boss.

This tricky transition is common and can be difficult, but it also can be navigated well. In this podcast episode, I want to focus you on three main points that will help you make this transition smoothly.

Those three key points are:

1) Subordinate your ego

2) Listen

3) Address dissension


Resources Mentioned:

070 - Team Member to Team Leader with Stacey Ashley

The Leadership Calculator

The Leadership Accelerator


Call To Action:

Measure your leadership

Improve your leadership

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