Next Episode: Interest Vs Values

        What is best for one's self?  Do we have to worry about having morals, or just be only concerned about our well being?  I take you down a journey of two islands with 20 people total.  The 20 people are divided up in two groups. There are ten going to each island.  The individuals will be placed on the island one at a time for ten weeks. After the ten weeks what kind of social laws have been created?  Did each individual keep their own well being as the most important thing or did they break down and conform as a whole?  What morals in a society compared to another are "correct"?  As one island chooses to give community service for stealing, the other island chooses to cut off a hand.  Which island is fulfilling the best moral compass to be guided by? Is there a right and wrong answer to how they socially constructed their laws of the land? Which island would you choose to live on?  We have many countries in our world today all living by a slightly different moral compass. How did the single human race come up with so many different variations?  We travel down this journey to provoke these very questions.