As this journey down the Emmaus Road continues, Ronnie speaks about the times when faith seems lost: "Before you change, you will be confused. It’s natural. It’s to be expected. Once you are on the road, you will encounter roadblocks - intense seasons of questioning; dark nights of the soul; arrows shot toward heaven that never seem to hit their target. Janet Hagberg rightfully calls it, 'The Wall.' You crash up against it and things go to pieces.

"It feels like you are losing your faith and possibly losing your everything you were ever told about God or believed about God is wrong... all your old prayers and Bible verses and routines that used to do the trick have lost their power. Your unassailable, bullet-proof solutions fail, and no amount of praying harder, believing more, reading your Bible, or rededication will remedy you. In the words of William Butler Yates: 'Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; anarchy is loosed upon the world.'"