This is Ronnie's third in a series of talks exploring the Book of Ecclesiastes alongside the work of Viktor Frankl.

"Consider this: Any two human beings share 99.5 percent of the same DNA and genetic material. No one is all that different from his or her neighbor. What makes us unique are our experiences. Your life can never be duplicated, and what you have experienced, no power on earth can take away from you! All you have done; all you have taken in through your senses and into your soul; all you have thought, all you have suffered; all the joys and triumphs you have celebrated; all the happy mornings and sleepless nights; all the prayers of gratitude and all the cries for help - you brought them into being with the single solitary life God has given you to live. And there will never be another person like you. We all step into the same river, but we do not share the same water.