Previous Episode: We Got Spirit

"The story of Genesis 1 and 2 is a story of two stories, a tale of two tales, about creation," so Ronnie proposes in this first of two talks on the subject. Ronnie invites 21st Century believers and skeptics to consider anew the questions being asked and answered at the outset of the Hebrew Scriptures. Straight to the point, he says: "We cannot read these two chapters literally; the people who wrote them didn’t. We cannot read these as historical; the Jewish community didn’t. We cannot read them as scientific; that was impossible for people living during the Iron Age. Rather, let’s do what our spiritual ancestors did. Let’s tell two stories. Let's open our hearts to all of God’s revelation: For I am proposing that spirituality and science are two different languages speaking to one, single reality" (Reading by Anna Balfour; artwork by Elena Mozhvilo).