Bound by Honor told form the male MC perspetive

Romance at a Glance is a podcast where hosts Bridget and Shani review romance novels and interview some of romance’s biggest authors diving into candid conversations about life, relationships, and sexual desires. Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor. Leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

Full transcript available below.

Book Review at a Glance

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐⭐

Bridget: ⭐⭐

Heroine Rating

Shani: 🍑🍑 Tell the man what you want girl.

Bridget: 🍑🍑🍑

Hero Rating:

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆 For not straight raping her

Bridget: 🍆🍆

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Bridget: McChildAbusedMafiaMan

Shani: MC Lick Mafia Ngers ((Pronounced Mc Lick My Fingers HA))

Classy to Nasty: One might say too classy for a badass mafia man

Romance at a Glance Reviews Luca Vitiello by Cora Reilly

We had to get some mafia romance in our dark season and Cora Reilly came highly recommended by our dear listeners on Instagram!

This book is part of the Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles, but it is the exact same book as Bound by Honor, but told from the male perspective vs the female perspective. 

There seemed to be a lot of people in the reviews saying they thought the author was trying to redeem the character for cheating on the page, and so we investigated to see what we thought. And if the bad mafia man stays bad, or has a heart of gold. 


Luca Vitiello is on Kindle Unlimited. Get 30 days free just for our listeners! 

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Quick Guide Review of the Book and Notes

Book Title: Luca Vitiello

Author: Cora Reilly

Narrator/ Available in audio: Sebastian York Sebastia York is all of the things that I love about him in this story. Gruff, alpha, sexy and naughty! He performs these stories so well that one can't help but grin and enjoy his voice as only he can deliver certain lines and tones. This is a delicious SebYo buffet.

Part of a Series: Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book #5. This is the male perspective of the book Bound by Honor.

Genre: Dark Romance, Mafia Romance

Cover Art: It wasn’t until I looked at this to review that I realized there was a woman! I thought it was his white shirt. I liked the font and black and white photo with the red.

Synopsis: Luca’s point of view as he is in an arranged marriage with the daughter of another crime family. He’s set up with Aria when she’s 15 years old but the wedding is postponed by his request until she’s 18. She is scared and asks him to wait and not rape her on her wedding night. He fakes the bloody sheets and they go back to NYC Luca slowly is melted by Aria’s goodness, and she falls for the man within the monster.

Favorite Line in the Book: 


 I had no intention of using a fucking condom with my wife.


“What do you want me to say, Aria? I kill and blackmail and torture people.

Favorite Review:   


2 stars - The Maddona-Whore complex is strong with this one. I wanted to give this 2 stars but when I read the direct transfusion part, I laughed so hard that I had to add another star. How could I not? I hadn't laughed like this in months.


AcherontaMovebo rated it 1 star

this book and BBH #1.5 Lucas pov novella are about the same events from the same characters pov, so its about the same fucking thing but i guess Cora realized that she fucked up in the first one so she had to write ANOTHER BOOK WHICH IS THE SAME THING but Luca isn't horny chauvinistic pig anymore (?) that is my problem. anyway- it did not make me love him more or love him at all. He is still chauvinistic, a cheater and has no personality, as his mattress. the only thing I liked was a peak into his and Mattheo's past, family and childhood.

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐

Bridget: ⭐⭐

Full Podcast Transcript


Welcome to Romance at a Glance, a podcast that uses romance novels to dive into candid conversations about life, relationship dynamics, and sexual desires. 

As hosts Bridget and Shani review books and interview some of romance’s biggest authors, they explore the breadth of the genre, openly embracing the sex, diverse couplings, and taboo in order to create a safe space for listeners to be exposed to different lifestyles, fantasies, and to pique their naughty curiosity.

Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor.

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