Shani hosted Toni from Lit Wallflowers podcast to talk through Lord of
Scoundrels by Loretta Chase!

Romance at a Glance is a podcast where hosts Bridget and Shani review romance novels and interview some of romance’s biggest authors diving into candid conversations about life, relationships, and sexual desires. Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor. Leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

Full transcript available below.

Book Review at a Glance

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Toni: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Heroine Rating: Jessica

Shani: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

Toni: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

Hero Rating: Dain

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

Toni: 🍆🍆🍆🍆

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Shani: McSteamy?

Toni: Jess was the McSteamy! Dane was McDreamy

Classy to Nasty:

Vanilla but hot! And useful to the story.

Romance at a Glance Reviews Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase

Y'all it's time for a crossover episode with @Litwallflowerspodcast!

Shani hosted  Toni from Lit Wallflowers podcast to talk through Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase! Listen to Shani as she leads the conversation like a pro and they get into this book and discuss all manner of plot, sex, cover, and more! 

This was our most requested book on Instagram and we are SUPER stoked to read it. Bridget was super bummed to be missing this book so she's going to be reading the book and doing a commentary on this podcast on Patreon! Become  Patron for lots of fun goodies and BTS :)

Bridget is going to be on Lit Wallflowers in a few weeks to talk Lisa Kleypas! 

 ***Get your copy of Lord of Scoundrels Amazon | BookShop***

Some major points discussed: 

Jane Eyre and Beauty and the Beast were Shani’s favorite movies growing up. And she loves loose retelling.  

The opening of the book starts with telling Sebastian's early beginnings. About how his mother and father met and how Dain came about.   

His Mom was half-Italian and had too much life for his dad. He is an ugly baby with a very large nose

His father sends him away. He is bullied and made fun of.

Even the prostitute didn’t want to touch him. 

He is truly a rake and a scoundrel. He brawls, has a bastard son, people are afraid of him and he talks of women like animals.

I love their meeting in the shop when Jessica and Bertie are there. She manages to insult Dain with the prettiest language and score a crusty looking miniature portrait. 

Her grandmother (Genevieve) tells her to snare him if she wants him. 

The chemistry between the characters is Hot from the get-go. This is a sapiosexual quality to how smart these characters are written. When they have their first flirtation when Dain had her look deeply at a timepiece with a man under a woman's skirt. 

Jess is attracted to him not only physically but mentally. 

Jess trying to bring his mom’s portrait into a place of honor

And helping Dain find compassion and forgiveness for his mom

When they get caught fooling around and Dain insults her and tells her he won’t marry her. Jessica shoots him, demands restitution, and says she didn’t want to marry him anyway.

Dain realizes she wasn’t trying to trap him, offers marriage as restitution.  

Jessica convinces Dain to acknowledge his son and take him in

The full circle redemption of Dain offering his son the reassurance he never had and the stability that his mom offered him.

Quick Guide Review of the Book and Notes

Book Title: Lord of Scoundrels

Author: Loretta Chase

Audio Narrator: Kate Reading

Part of a Series: Book 3 of the Scoundrels Series

Genre: Historical romance

Cover Art:

Shani: Multiple different versions of the cover. Liked the one with the man’s back flex the most, but all of them don’t really say anything about the book.

Toni: Had the pretty lady on the cover and it gave nice vibes.

Synopsis: Tough-minded Jessica Trent's sole intention is to free her nitwit brother from the destructive influence of Sebastian Ballister, the notorious Marquess of Dain. She never expects to desire the arrogant, amoral cad. And when Dain's reciprocal passion places them in a scandalously compromising, and public, position, Jessica is left with no choice but to seek satisfaction...

Damn the minx for tempting him, kissing him... and then forcing him to salvage her reputation! Lord Dain can't wait to put the infuriating bluestocking in her place—and in some amorous position. And if that means marriage, so be it!—though Sebastian is less than certain he can continue to remain aloof... and steel his heart to the sensuous, headstrong lady's considerable charms.

Heroine Rating:

Shani: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 Jess is a firecracker right out the gate. She refuses to pay her brother’s debts and insults Dain within minutes of meeting him. At all times she is scheming and plotting and she is good at it. Also, she brought Dain’s son home.

Toni: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 She is a total badass and I wanna be her. She was really smart and strong and the only one who could understand Dain’s thinking process. So they had that balance.

Hero Rating:

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 I love Dain, he goes from a bit of a whiny brat to a more confident man with no ego for his wife, and care and compassion for his son. He grows up because of his love for her.

Toni: 🍆🍆🍆🍆 He was a proper jackass but you feel sorry for him because of his upbringing and you do see him change so I rounded up to a 4.

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Shani: McSteamy?

Toni: Jess was the McSteamy! Dain was McDreamy

Classy to Nasty:

Vanilla but hot! And useful to the story.

Favorite Lines in the Book:


“Marriage is for cowards, fools and women. (Jessica) That sounds the sord of thing some drunken jackass would announce just before falling into the punch bowl. To a croud of his fellow drunken jack asses.”

“Any idea what she said dain? “Yes, Men are ignorant brutes” ...You sure?... Quite.”


“I should like to see you try.” Both characters say this at different times. Always goading each other!

Favorite Review:

Shani’s from Goodreads:

Amanda rated it it was amazing

Shelves: historical-romance, funny-hilarious, favorite-2016

This is still my favorite historical romance after so many years. The rereading can still make me laugh so hard throughout the book. I'm in love with both the characters. The hero and heroine are such a unique and refreshing characters to all the other stereotypical reform rake and blushing virgin. I just can't get enough of Dain and Jessica!

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Toni: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Buy it on Amazon | Buy on Bookshop: Support Local Bookstores

Full Podcast Transcript


Welcome to Romance at a Glance, a podcast that uses romance novels to dive into candid conversations about life, relationship dynamics, and sexual desires. 

As hosts Bridget and Shani review books and interview some of romance’s biggest authors, they explore the breadth of the genre, openly embracing the sex, diverse couplings, and taboo in order to create a safe space for listeners to be exposed to different lifestyles, fantasies, and to pique their naughty curiosity.

Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor.

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