Time for some urban fantasy!

Romance at a Glance is a podcast where hosts Bridget and Shani review romance novels and interview some of romance’s biggest authors diving into candid conversations about life, relationships, and sexual desires. Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor. Leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

Full transcript available below.

Book Review at a Glance

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐

Bridget: ⭐⭐⭐

Heroine Rating: Nevada

Shani: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

Bridget: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

Hero Rating: Adam

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆🍆

Bridget: 🍆🍆🍆🍆

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Shani: Mc Are You Picking Up What I’m Putting Down?

Bridget: McHurricaneMe

Classy to Nasty:

Shani: N/A?

Bridget: Definitely a bit of dirty talk and a hot kiss or two, but no consummation yet

Romance at a Glance Reviews Book by author

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Quick Guide Review of the Book and Notes

Book Title: Burn for Me

Author: Ilona Andrews

Narrator/ Available in audio: Renee Raudman

Part of a Series: Yes, Book #1 of the Hidden Legacies Book - Not a standalone - no hea at the end of this book

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Cover Art: Couple on the front cover of the book - not my favorite - kind of cheesy - doesn’t really tell me much about the book.

Synopsis: Nevada gets coerced into going after Adam Pierce, a prime, the highest rank of magic-user. Her small private detective agency isn’t equipped to handle a case like this, but to keep her family’s assets and biz from being snatched by their overlords (adam’s family firm), she agrees. She crashed headlong into Mads Rogan, a powerful notorious prime from a different ruling family who is looking for his nephew… and suspects that Nevada can help. After he kidnaps her and she resists his torture, he decides to ask for her help, and they team up to save Houston from destruction.

Favorite Line in the Book: 


“I would matter to you only as long as I had some use and even then i would be more of an object then a lover or a partner…. You would use me and when you were done with me you would dismiss me like a servant . and I would have to  pick up the pieces of my life and I’m not sure there would be anything left of it or of me by that point. So no I won’t go away with you.” 

Bridget’s sexy corner:

The reality slammed into me like a train. I made out with Mad Rogan and I came. I had a mind-numbing, life-altering orgasm that I would remember until the day I died, and he didn’t even take my clothes off.

Favorite Review:   


Oct 07, 2018NMmomof4 rated it liked it 3 stars

Overall Opinion: I'm not sure if I read this wrong, but I personally wouldn't consider this a "romance". I think it was a paranormal suspense book with a slight romantic thread. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, as I read a few reviews claiming that they were a great couple and the romance was high...I feel like I read a totally different book if that was the case! 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well! As far as paranormal suspense, I thought the world building and storyline was intriguing enough to finish the book without the romantic element 


Anne rated it really liked it 4.5 stars

Shelves: recommended-by-a-not-stupid-friend, kindle, witchy-woman, urban-fantasy, read-in-2014, paranormal


I refuse to blame Andrews for this ridonkulous looking cheese-fest, but I wish that whoever is in charge of this sort of thing at Avon would get a clue.

This looks like the sort of thing I've come to expect from crappy PNR, not Urban Fantasy. This cover doesn't say kick-ass story between these pages, it says Fabioish romance inside.

Well, guess what?

They don't have sex in this book.

The folks who were hoping for a little *bow-chicka-wow-wow* (thanks to the cover) will be disappointed.

And the people who don't want mindless PNR (not that there's anything wrong with that!) are going to bypass this book altogether.

Even I put off reading it, and I'm a fan of Ilona Andrews...so I should know better.

That's the power of a BAD cover, people!

Alrighty, enough bitching.

I picked up Burn For Me and gobbled it down in record time.

I loved Nevada and her entire wacky family. Especially Grandma!

Surprisingly, I loved Mad Rogan, too. I see some complaints about him, but I thought he was awesome. Sure, it seems like he's sort of a sociopath, but I have a feeling he's a bit more complicated than that.

Or maybe not.

Either way, I thought he was great!

Full Podcast Transcript coming soon…

Welcome to Romance at a Glance, a podcast that uses romance novels to dive into candid conversations about life, relationship dynamics, and sexual desires. 

As hosts Bridget and Shani review books and interview some of romance’s biggest authors, they explore the breadth of the genre, openly embracing the sex, diverse couplings, and taboo in order to create a safe space for listeners to be exposed to different lifestyles, fantasies, and to pique their naughty curiosity.

Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor.

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