Hello Everyone,
There is some official local news that just came down the L5R pipe regarding the Stronghold League and Tournament.
The Stronghold League will start on May 7th @ 7pm and be held at Midgard Gaming. The cost is $5 per week for those looking to get in the draw to receive one of the top prizes.
Setup and Prizes
Each month is the start of a new league and at the end of each month a "Best of (each) Clan" will chosen and the first time you play each month you will also receive a card.
Some of the top prizes are other extended art cards, metal fate tokens and a code card that allows you to vote for your clan online (this can help change the course of the story and meta).
As well each person who buys L5R Product will receive a Patron card "Wandering Ronin" with extended art.
Finally There is the Tournament at the end in August, "The Stronghold Showdown". This will be a relaxed tier Tournament with a Swiss and elimination (based on the amount of players). The Showdown will cost $10 per player and can win Custom Playmats from FFG and a metal Honor dial (Wow).
Details of the prizes are below. Each card is valued between 3-10 dollars, playmat go for $40 on e-bay online and the fate tokens and honor dial seem to be another hot items.

Click Here For More Info!