Thanks for listening!

This is around table discussion of MANY things including LARP, Kult RPG, OSR Zines, Comics, Cthulhu and many more!

To learn more about Rollers of R'lyeh, please visit our LinkTree page to find all of our various social media pages, Discord server invite, Podcast Links, and Ko-Fi page.  Click here!

Thanks again to DMJeff, RaTava79, and Pam for joining in on the discussion. To find out more about Triple J Gaming, please CLICK HERE to visit their LinkTree page.

Visit WAKEFUL WOODCRAFT to see some of what Saoirse has to offer. I love the wood burning she made for me, and i look forward to getting more pieces from her. Visit her page HERE to check out her amazing artwork. Make sure you let her know Rollers of R'lyeh sent you :) Check out the new Episode art to see the digital rendering she made us for our new logo!!!!! So Sick!!!!


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