Hey Friends, we were unable to record a standard episode of our show this week, so we're excited to announce a team-up with a new podcast called "Redgate and Wolf." They only got started roughly two weeks ago and they have such a clever concept! I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. If you do, please go follow them on Twitter as well!

A sassy thief and a Scottish werewolf find themselves stranded in the small fictional American town of Hendrix. Follow them as they discover the truth about things that go bump in the night…

Twitter: @RedgateAndWolf
Spotify: https://bit.ly/RedgateWolf
Apple: https://bit.ly/RedgateandWolf
Website: https://bit.ly/RedgateAndWolf

And don't forget to follow us @Smoses_Senpai
@rollplayerswin and @Adam_Sharesalot
and our new handle @RDOChumbles

Love you!