Greetings friends! Apologies for not having the conclusion to the Apep battle. There have been some life-changes happening in the real world, so we've been unable to do our regular sessions; however, we have assembled the Sierra Contingency for another mission!

Today, Mal gets a call from an former colleague. A string of disappearances and power outages have riddled San Norton, California, mirroring a series of events from Malcom's past. Ollie gets triggered during a bar fight, Leslie uncovers deeply-buried secrets on the Underworld Wide Web, and Chelsea goes on a shopping spree.

Social Media and Platforms:

Beluga (Ollie)
twitter: @ TheRPGuild1
instagram: @ therollplayersguild

Sero (Chelsea)
Twitter @seroRPG
Twitter for Redgate and Wolf: @RedgateAndWolf
Find her podcast here:

Ray (Malcom)
Play his games here:
Twitter: @Mr_Ray_RPG
Twitter for $2 Creature Feature: @2dollarfeature

Rebecca (Leslie)
Space Battles twitter & instagram @SpaceBattlesPod
Space Battles linktree:

If you've read the notes this far, you're awesome and we love you!
While you're here, why not give us a review eh?
