Greetings everyone! Welcome back to the Monster of the Week Extended Universe!!! Today, we get to see what it's like to work for Sierra's rivals, Ocu-lus! I must warn you ahead of time, it's a pretty sexual episode. Our new gang of hunters set out to investigate a series of murders where the men all died from essentially...orgasming Do you think that a redneck, a medieval-style warrior, a haunted dummy and a spooky whack job can get the job done? Let's find out! It's a big ol' episode, and that should hold ya over until Halloween so uh... yeah this can be our Halloween episode. You're welcome, ya freaks!


Onixrobot/Daniel (Jim John)
He has a twitter and other links to click! Do it!

Twitter: @Readysetroll20

Sero (Lou)
She's alright, I guess. You can't keep her from the MotWEU!

Twitter for Sero: @seroRPG
Twitter for Redgate and Wolf: @RedgateAndWolf
Redgate and Wolf links:

Rosi (Carlton)
Rosi makes pretty PDF's and has ten thousand new character ideas. Check out his MotW supplement here!

Justin (Slappy Pete)
Twitter: @funinstallers

And me (Adam and every other character) @rollplayerswin

Also, if you wouldn't mind, go leave us a review if you actually give a shit! Leave a good one, please... not a bad one.

You aren't even reading this...I'm just gonna write whatever I want! Here's a fun fact: One time, Adam pooped in his own hand.