This is what it's like when worlds collide! Are you ready to go? Yes, I'm ready to go!

Whatcha gonna do? Listen! Listen!

ok ... So, due to some Leprechaun shenanigans, Bravo and Charlie team have been brought together (sorta) to the Chronosphere to free Darby and to destroy the snailstone. Will they do that though? Who can say? Also, a familiar furry friend shows makes his reappearance. 

@rollplayerswin @smoses_senpai

 @RedgateAndWolf @borschmeiser @Rosinbagger_UDG @spacebattlespod

go to and enter CODE: rollplayers for 30% your first 3 months of PRO!

Gang, I seriously use Zencastr all the dang time. It makes for less work when it comes to syncing everyone's tracks, whether it's video, audio or both. I also love that I can edit everything on the website now, and use that wonderful silence-removal tool. No more awkward pauses, or hours of work finding them all due to untrustworthy functions in other editing programs. Check it out if you'd like to spend less time editing, and more time recording fun episodes of your shows!

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