Greetings, lovely people! Welcome back to the MotWEU. (Adam has been down sick for many weeks) so we're happy to throw out a couple of episodes from Charlie Team! In Today's episode, The team is under attack by a not-so-mysterious group and must make a daring escape!
Mal has a touching moment with an old friend, Chelsea has to have a touching moment with herself, Ollie must resist the cookie people, and Leslie bakes cookies with a cookie person.... It's a weird episode, gang.

Hey, if you haven't done it yet, please consider leaving us a review!

Social Media and Platforms:

Beluga (Ollie) twitch: twitter: @ TheRPGuild1 instagram: @ therollplayersguild

Sero (Chelsea) Twitter @seroRPG Twitter for Redgate and Wolf: @RedgateAndWolf Find her podcast here:

Ray (Malcom) Play his games here: Twitter: @Mr_Ray_RPG Twitter for $2 Creature Feature: @2dollarfeature

Rebecca (Leslie) Space Battles twitter & instagram @SpaceBattlesPod Space Battles linktree:


Fun fact about Adam: Sometimes after his clothes are done in the dryer, he'll hug a bundle of them to feel the warmth of friendship from his pants... until a hot zipper burns him.