In a slight detour from our regular programming, we bring you an ultra special Super Metal game created by the creator of "Monster of the Week," Michael Sands! Oh and guess what? MICHAEL FRIKKIN SANDS is on the show with us to playtest an online version of his game called "Heavy Metal Aeons." The game was inspired by some of Michael's favorite Metal songs growing up. Adam, Amy, Justin and David ('member him?) join forces to try and take down the Time God in this scenario from Heavy Metal Aeons called "The Chrono Storm."

Today you'll meet: Glad Gary, a Nerdy Road Warrior from the aftermath of the apocalypse who just wants his internet back, Lady Harley, a Mystical Cat who isn't taking any of your crap, A Troll Killer known as "Monster Hunter (TM)" who doesn't say much, but kicks a lotta ass, and Baxter, the Chimpstronaut who happened upon a lazer sword and decided he was gonna use it! Together, they must break out of the time prison known as "The Null Zone" so they can take their revenge upon the Snail-faced Time God!

Twitter: @MotW_rpg and @GenericGamesNZ (with the playlist)


Mike's stuff generally:

Also, we're on Twitter @rollplayerswin

Songs used in this episode:

Jet Fueled Vixen & Mechanolith,
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0