Roll For Intent - Creator's Corner Pathfinder Infinite | Golarion Unseen : Relics of Power

We explore another chapter of Golarion Unseen with the inimitable John Holmes.


With Special Guest

John Holmes

John is a new writer on Pathfinder Infinite who is still impressed by his ability to stick with it through the process of creating his first book. He has one product out with two more planned. Since his late teens John dabbled in fiction writing, but actually writing rules content was something new and very exciting. Outside of Infinite, John has an MA in History, two cats (great for bouncing ideas off of!) and of course plays a fair bit of Pathfinder.


This is a segment where we talk about all things Paizoverse! We discuss old, new, and upcoming first party and third party published content with an eye towards integrating it in your own games!

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CastTrevor Payne

The Magnanimous Game Master for Roll For Intent

Christian Chaney

The "Rules Lawyer" - Beast Foundry


Pathfinder Infinite - John Holmes - here you'll find all books by John Holmes - one of our Favorite Pathfinder Infinite Creators!


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