Roll For Intent - Creator's Corner Intrepid Youtubers | Local Disaster Tourguide

We sit down to talk to Mark, our Local Disaster Tourguide about how he started, what drives him, and where he's going next!


With Special Guest

Mark Adkins

My name is Mark & I'm the Local Disaster Tour Guide. Back in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, I was bored & needed something to do, so I started a YouTube Channel dedicated to TTRPGs & the art of Storytelling. I've been playing TTRPGs in some fashion for about 27 years & I really enjoy this hobby! My favorite game is Pathfinder 2e, so that's what I talk about the most on my channel, but I've played a number of games over the years, including D&D, Starfinder, Star Wars, Call of Cthulu, Paranoia, & more.

When I'm not geeking out on the internet, I work as an Instructional Assistant for teenagers with disabilities & as a Pastor at a small church. I'm also enjoying the world of training a Level 2 Rogue (also known as a Toddler).

Mark on YouTube


This is a segment where we talk about all things Paizoverse! We discuss old, new, and upcoming first party and third party published content with an eye towards integrating it in your own games!

Check out our website, follow us on twitter and join us on discord!


CastTrevor Payne

The Magnanimous Game Master for Roll For Intent

Christian Chaney

The "Rules Lawyer" - Beast Foundry



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