Back to Work

(What do they think we’ve been doing all this time?)

People refusing to come back to the office

Lilac: "When I’m in the office I’m not also a mother and someone who has to do a load of laundry"

Dominic: Dangers of a hybrid office — people who are physically in the office get the inside track

“There is no return to normalcy,” says Mayer-Schönberger, whose research focuses on the role of information in a networked economy. “The environment people are reentering is fundamentally changed, so we need to reframe how we see our work and ourselves. If there is a reason why we go to a workplace, it needs to be a different reason than the one that we had: that this is the way we’ve always been doing it.”

Why the wild variation in plans for returning to offices is a good sign

Why Women Don't Want To Go Back To In-Person Work

News Roundup: Security and Ransomware

Hackers have new targets: people returning to the office.

Information About the Sale of Products Business to Symphony Technology Group | FireEye

Stack Overflow's value to job seekers is what makes it valuable — Quartz



Defekt, by Nino Cipri (sequel to Finna, which was nominated for Best Novella in the Nebula Awards)


Pink iPad Air!

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