IBM buys Instana — what does this mean for the monitoring market

Is this a sign of more monitoring deals to come?

451 Research's M&A KnowledgeBase has recorded more than 50 'monitoring' purchases, on average, for each year since 2015, which is two-thirds higher than the number of deals in the first half of the decade.

Salesforce may be buying Slack

What does this mean for adoption? Did Teams steal Slack’s growth, or did they fumble execution all by themselves? And what does this mean for Zoom? With everyone working from home, we have not seen a real change in remote working compared to before; Slack & Zoom are still Slack & Zoom, just with more people.

(But also: )

Amazon outage 

Anchor affected!

Instead of recommendations, we talked about what we are thankful for


Slack, Zoom, and all the rest of the apps & services that have made it possible to work remotely this year


Home office space


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