After three sessions and 29 rounds of fighting, it’s time to regroup and figure out why this group was so intent on killing them. Luckily, the RFC gang managed to capture that troublesome sniper. Hopefully, she’ll talk and give the boys lots of mission-critical information. That is if they can make her talk… Also this week, …

The post 040: Good Cop, Bad Cop, Hirogi Cop appeared first on Roll For Combat: Pathfinder & Starfinder Actual Play Podcasts.

After three sessions and 29 rounds of fighting, it’s time to regroup and figure out why this group was so intent on killing them. Luckily, the RFC gang managed to capture that troublesome sniper. Hopefully, she’ll talk and give the boys lots of mission-critical information. That is if they can make her talk…

Also this week, Stephen discusses how strict you should be as a GM with your PCs and when they discuss their character actions. Do you give them a bit of leeway? Or are you the kind of GM who subscribes to the theory of “if you say it, then you do it.”?

And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

The post 040: Good Cop, Bad Cop, Hirogi Cop appeared first on Roll For Combat: Pathfinder & Starfinder Actual Play Podcasts.