Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? For the final installment in their Jeffrey Wright retrospective series, Ned and Caroline do just that by taking a trip into Westworld's first season. Though this show features virtually all of Ned's favorite things, he had never actually seen it before. So he and Caroline welcome Westworld aficionado Rachel Kenney to help them work through the maze.

You can follow Rachel on Instagram (instagram.com/rachel.kenney) and Twitter (twitter.com/RachKenney), and find I Have a Question with Rachel and Walls (anchor.fm/withrachelandwalls) wherever you listen to podcasts.

You can also learn more about Rachel's upcoming show in New York City here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/outoftouch-nyc-production

Our theme music was created by Patrick Budde, and our logo was designed by Nick Wanserski. You can get in touch on Twitter (twitter.com/rolecalling) or email us at [email protected].

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