Golden rings, bearded men, elves in white dresses with blue satin sashes — what are The Lord of the Rings films if not the ultimate holiday classics? So to celebrate the festive season, Ned and Caroline are kicking off a brand new series on Peter Jackson's iconic LOTR trilogy and its stellar ensemble acting.

This week, returning guests Zoë Maltby and Emily Marso join for a goofy, earnest, unexpectedly horny celebration of The Fellowship of the Ring.

Watch the 2020 Lord of the Rings cast Zoom reunion

You can follow Zoë on Instagram and Twitter (both @captainmaltby), as well as on Letterboxd (@zoecatherine). And you can follow Emily on Instagram and Twitter (both @missmarso).

Our theme music was created by Patrick Budde, and our logo was designed by Nick Wanserski. You can also follow us on Twitter or Instagram (both @rolecalling) or email us at [email protected].

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